The College has an active College Union elected by the parliamentary mode of election as per the guidelines of Lyngdoh Committee, Government of Kerala and Mahatma Gandhi University. The Student Council consists of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson (reserved for female students), General Secretary, two University Union Councillors, College Magazine Editor, Arts Club Secretary, Sports secretary, two lady representatives and both girl and boy representatives from every class.
The main objective of a student Council is to resolve students' issues that can either be related to their academic life or social life. The Student Council on behalf of the students puts forward suggestions and grievances before the Principal and the College Council after which necessary steps are taken for redressal by the same. Periodical formal meetings of the Council members, class representatives and departmental association secretaries are convened to chalk out the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The present union members are
Meeting of the College Union members with the Union Advisors