The radical changes in the year 1963 compelled the Government of India to declare NCC training compulsory in colleges and universities. It was mainly because of the notion that the nation's strength relies on many factors, including people's fitness. Of all the units functioning at school and college levels, the NCC was considered the aptest unit to impart adequate training for the country's youth.

In the lights of these events, St. Stephen's College, Uzhavoor, obtained sanction for one company (200 cadets) of Senior Division on Boys Wing, and it was formally inaugurated in September 1965.

Dr C.J. Joseph, Lecturer in Economics, deputed to undergo NCC Officers' pre-commission training at Kamptee near Nagpur in March 1965, took charge of the NCC Company as the first Associate NCC Officer (ANO).


Lt. Jais Kurian

The years after the initiation saw enthusiastic participation and activity on the part of the NCC Company, which continued till 1978. The period after was not a recordable one due to the absence of an ANO in the company. After a long lay-off, the NCC was re-organized once again on 3rd August 1989 under Professor E.A. Alexander, Lecturer in Chemistry and Mr M.S. Thomas, Department of Physical Education.

Since then, the sub-unit has never looked back and has been instrumental in training many cadets. When the then ANO Captain E.A. Alexander retired in 2012, Lt. Jais Kurian, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, volunteered to take up the NCC sub-unit. Today the sub-unit comprises 108 cadets with 80 SD (Senior Division) and 28 SW (Senior Wing). The cadets undergo rigorous drills and classes with special Army training, Republic Day Parade camp (RDC), Thal Sainik Camp (TSC), Advanced Leadership Camp (ALC), adventure sports and many more. Apart from this, the cadets are also trained in societal commitments