The library holdings in terms of books, journals, learning materials and technology-aided learning mechanisms are organised in such a way as to enable the students to acquire information, knowledge and skills required for their study programme.
The college library, which started functioning right from the beginning of the college in 1964, is the key resource of information for the academic community. At present it has attained the position of a 1st Grade Library with more than 34,000 books, 65 periodicals and a subscription of 10 newspapers. Xerox facility is available in the library. The library is automated using 'Koha', a well known open source Integrated Library Management Software which has a number of advanced features, enabling the college library to become more user oriented in the current digital era. Besides very suitable and convenient library administrative modules, Koha software can provide a handful of attractive interfaces from the user point of view, like quick search and access, Web-OPAC, and the feasibility of integrating new technologies like RFID.
The library has a website which lists the services offered by the library for users. It also provides links to other information resources. A digital reference page is also included in the website where users can post their academic queries. Our request for hosting digital versions of previous years question papers through the library website has been approved by Mahatma Gandhi University and simultaneously issued a university order instructing the University examination wing to do the same in the coming years.
Library website link is:
The following facilities are available in the library,
OPAC : Using the Koha software, the institution has made the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) available that enables author-based, subject-based, title-based and publisher based search facilities. To access online catalogue, click Koha online catalog (
Question Paper Service : Digital versions of previous examination question papers are available for reference and printing.
Electronic Resource Management Package for E-journals /E-books :We have subscribed to UGC (INFLIBNET) E-books and E-journals via N-LIST. Support provided by the Library staff to the students and teachers of the college are as follows.
User Orientation: At the beginning of the academic year, the first semester students are taken to the library, where the librarian briefs them on the library services and effective information search practices.
1. All students and teaching staff are members of the college library.
2. The library shall be functioning on all working days from 9.00 A.M to 5.00 P.M.
3. Silence shall strictly be observed in all parts of the Library.
4. Entrance to the Reading Room and the Reference Section is permitted only to students who have their identity cards with them.
5. The Librarian has the right to recall a book at 24 hours' notice.
6. The Library is divided into The Reference Library and Reading Room
The General Library
A. The Reference Library and Reading Room
1. Books placed in the Reference Library shall not be lent out to any member. They will be issued for use only in the library during the library hours.
2. Newspapers and periodicals will be placed for use in the Reading Room. They will not be issued to students.
3. Periodicals shall not be misplaced from the positions on shelves or tables.
B. The General Library
1. Students who wish to borrow books from the lending section or to refer to books and journals will have to register their names in the library and get the membership cards at the beginning of the course. Membership cards have to be renewed at the beginning of every academic year.
2. "Open access system" is followed in the college library.
3. Application for books should be made in the prescribed slips available in the library.
4. Borrowed books should be returned within two weeks. They can be reissued for a further period of seven days if no one else has applied for them.
5. A students has to pay an overdue charge of Rs.1/- per day for each book, on failure to return a book on or before the due date
6. A Degree student can borrow two books and a Postgraduate student can borrow three books at a time.
7. When a book is returned, the membership card has to be taken back from the library counter.
8. Students are not allowed to pass books from one to another or to lend them to any one in or out of the college. They will be held responsible for loss or damage of books lent to them. Marking on books and spoiling of binding or illustrations will be treated as a serious offence. Students have to ensure that the books they take area in good condition at the time of issue.
9. Personal belongings such as books, periodicals, bags, umbrellas etc should not be taken into the library. Such articles have to be kept at the property counter near the entrance. Money or ornaments should never be kept at the property counter. The librarian is not responsible for the loss of items kept at the property counter.
1. Sri. K L Kurian
2. Sri. A J Philip ( 1964-2000 )